Kojima Productions has confirmed its presence at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show event, revealing that a special Death Stranding 2: On The Beach panel will be held on September 29 at 10:30 AM JST / 6:30 PM PT. The one-hour panel will feature numerous special guests, including Death Stranding 2: On The Beach director and creator, Hideo Kojima.
The last time fans were given a glimpse at a new Death Stranding 2 trailer was back in February during a PlayStation State of Play livestream. The nearly 10-minute trailer was as wild as expected, but did give fans a great glimpse into the story of Death Stranding 2 and Norman Reedus as the returning Sam Bridges. With the sequel aiming for a release sometime in 2025, fans are eager to see more. Thankfully, there's not long left to go until a new look at Death Stranding 2 is revealed.
Hideo Kojima has a unique way of designing games, which makes it easy to predict one aspect that will show up in Death Stranding 2.
While fans were hoping to see Death Stranding 2 appear at Gamescom, Kojima Productions has now confirmed that it will be attending Tokyo Game Show 2024...