After months of requests, Starfield players were finally treated to the Rev-8, a land-vehicle that makes exploring planets fun but it didn't take long for the community to question whether it could be even better. Much like any feature added to a Bethesda game, it was only a matter of time before the modding community got its hands on the space buggy and started implementing some optimizations and improvements. They're not necessary to enjoy drifting around barren wastelands, but they do make for a more comfortable ride.
Posted to Nexus Mods by creator Shadedness, the "Shade's Vehicle Tuner" mod takes everything players love about the Rev-8 and throws even more flavor to the stew. The add-on implements new weapons, increased damage, and cargo storage, while also fixing various bugs that have plagued drivers trying to quickly zoom across the surface of a planet. What's perhaps most impressive about the boosted weapon damage is that it scales with the players' level, meaning the Rev-8 can't steamroll through particularly challenging enemies early in the game.
With this newest update to Starfield, players can now take advantage of having a Planet Rover to traverse across any planet they...