Steam numbers show that Destiny 2 has hit a new low in the last 30 days with only 32,497 average players, a far cry from its peak player count. Bungie has been updating Destiny 2 for seven years, but its best days may be behind it.
Destiny 2 has gone through ups and downs over the years since it was released. With major content updates and expansions, player counts often rise, but this is contrasted by lower player counts during quieter months. Since the game follows a seasonal model unlike its predecessor, it has seen player counts remain relatively consistent since launch. Bungie laid off many of its employees earlier this year, causing some concern about the future of Destiny 2 and its upcoming game, Marathon. With the game hitting a new low in player count numbers, the studio may need to find a way to return lapsed players to the game.
A Destiny 2 player online turns their Warlock into Admiral Ackbar from the Star Wars franchise, with a recreation that is shockingly accurate.
The Game Post has discovered that Destiny 2 player counts have plummeted to 32,497 average Steam players this month. This is a stark contrast when...