Get An Quick Look At Remnant 2’s Warden Archetype

Get An Quick Look At Remnant 2’s Warden Archetype

From The Outerhaven Productions (Written by Keith Mitchell) on | OpenCritic

Gunfire Games has provided IGN with a quick look at the new Remnant 2 archetype, the Warden, that will be made available in Remnant 2: Dark Horizon.

The Warden is the final archetype to be added to the game and will feature a companion called a drone. This drone will give the Warden multiple ways to approach the game, either by providing offense, defense, or support.

Check out the Warden archetype in the video below.

Then be sure to check back here for more information on Remnant 2: Dark Horizon, including all its secrets when the game drops.

Remnant 2: Dark Horizon releases on September 24, 2024, for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam) and will be included in the season pass or available for $9.99.

See full article at The Outehaven