Extremely Queer Dracula VN Drăculești Shows its Literary Fangs

Extremely Queer Dracula VN Drăculești Shows its Literary Fangs

From EIP Gaming (Written by Graves) on | OpenCritic

As a games journalist, I don’t often get the chance to talk about my literary tastes, even though I am quite an avid reader. After all, gamers don’t tend to want to hear about hundred-plus-year-old books written by Victorian Brits with a dour outlook on life. There isn’t much overlap for enthusiasts of classic gothic horror novels and games.

However, at least one development studio is after my own dark, literary, Dracula-obsessed heart.

At PAX West 2024, I got the chance to meet several members of Fine Feathered Fiends, an Australian-based studio, who were showcasing Drăculești at the PAX Rising Showcase (an area of PAX devoted to up-and-coming developers). And I wasn’t the only one. The entire weekend, people were gathering around to try out the game, lured in by its fantastic, inspired artwork, themed booth, and costumed developers. And for good reason, as well; because Drăculești simply bleeds with style and — more importantly — substance. It’s the real red meat.

My time with Drăculești — both at the booth and once I’d returned from PAX West and played the full demo — was fabulous. It was rich. It was delectable.

But, ah, I get ahead...

See full article at EIP Gaming