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524 games reviewed
74.9 average score
75 median score
76.3% of games recommended

Expansive's Reviews

Brad Baker

You can still have a lot of fun with Destroy All Humans but it does come with a content warning that, unfortunately, lasts the entirety of the game and some archaic concepts that have been far surpassed since the game first launched. But Destroy All Humans can definitely present a good time whether you want to relive a classic game you grew up with or fancy something different to play.

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Sally Willington
Loved - Röki
Jul 23, 2020

Röki is just a well-engineered, well told and ultimately very enjoyable game that will keep you spellbound from beginning to end. It’s simply beautiful and a game that will hold a place in my heart for a long time to come. Truly, it is very special indeed.

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Tom Hynes
Worth your time - Neon Abyss
Jul 22, 2020

I’m a fan of what’s been achieved with Neon Abyss. Let’s face it, there’s no shortage of incredible roguelikes on Switch now and to be honest, that goes against this game a little bit as it doesn’t compare to the Dead Cells and Binding of Isaac’s of this world. Frankly, it’s among the best of the new breed I’ve played this year, so if you are in the market for a new roguelike, this is as good as any I’ve seen in recent months even if it isn’t best in class.

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Jay Jones
Loved - F1 2020
Jul 17, 2020

F1 2020 is a landmark moment for the franchise, a great game that offers longevity, high quality, and thrilling action. An absolute must for F1 fans.

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Sally Willington
Liked - Superliminal
Jul 15, 2020

Superliminal can be a decent challenge, but once it’s over, it doesn’t feel like a game you’d revisit in a hurry. It struggles to recapture that sense of wonder and magic. Still, for a short blast puzzler, this really does offer something different, and on the strength of that alone, stays memorable and lasting

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Jay Jones
Jul 10, 2020

Beyond a Steel Sky is ushering in an exciting new era for adventure games. Revolution Software have gone above and beyond with this sequel and reinvigorated a classic franchise in the best possible way.

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Laurie Jones

Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated is expertly redesigned, thoroughly enjoyable, stylish platformer that fans of the show are going to go wild over. Spongebob is the perfect pick-me-up to lift your spirits and remind you just how fulfilling, wholesome, and most of all, entertaining the platform genre can truly be.

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Brad Baker
Jul 9, 2020

As someone who appreciated SUPERHOT for what it offered originally, I am a much bigger fan of this much more fulfilling, well-rounded experience. The roguelike aesthetic really suits the tone of the game and makes the Mind Control Delete experience absolutely essential for SUPERHOT fans, whether you loved it in VR or not.

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Sally Willington

Edna & Harvey The Breakout Anniversary Edition is a labour of love for all involved. Another fantastic adventure game that finds itself on Switch that you simply must add to your library.

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Laurie Jones
Liked-a-lot - Skelattack
Jul 6, 2020

If this is the kind of quality we can expect from Konami in the years ahead, there could well be a renaissance on the cards. They have Ukuza Games to thank for crafting a compelling, stunning, and overall, very entertaining platformer that, surprisingly, you’ll be smiling through as opposed to grimacing.

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Jay Jones
Liked - Ultracore
Jul 6, 2020

The quality, fantastic score, and pulse-pounding action are the perfect throwback to one of gaming’s greatest eras. Platformers were in their prime in the 90s and Ultracore is a great example of the creativity that studios were dishing out back then. If you’ve been desperate for a slice of 16 bit quality shooters, Ultracore will absolutely scratch that itch.

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Jay Jones
Jul 4, 2020

The Darius Cozmic Collection Console feels like a piece of history every retro enthusiast must own, and every gamer who wants to understand the legacy of the industry has to try for themselves. At least once.

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Brad Baker
Liked-a-lot - Yes, Your Grace
Jul 3, 2020

Yes, Your Grace loves putting the player in a difficult position, but even when it does, you’ll still keep coming back for more because you want to know how it all ends – good or bad.

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Brad Baker
Jun 29, 2020

Through its incredible acting, compelling dialogue, gorgeous score, subtle touches, and ever-flowing, easy to grasp gameplay, The Last of Us Part II will undoubtedly be vying for Game of the Year Awards – probably winning many of them – but its impact is greater still. This game will change the way storytelling is done in games forever. In the eyes of the mainstream, this has further legitimized games as a powerful tool to tell a deep, enriching tale that will stay with you days, weeks, even years later. Naughty Dog have outdone themselves once again, and given the PlayStation 4 the world-class exclusive it deserves to not only say goodbye to a generation, but provide the next one with the boundless possibilities for amazing stories to come.

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Brad Baker
Liked-a-lot - Atomicrops
Jun 16, 2020

Atomicrops is an excellent balancing act that will keep you on your toes time after time, but the further you get, the more you’ll unlock, and the better prepared you’ll be next time. This is one of those mashups that probably shouldn’t work, but really truly does and will hook you for hours on end. Compared to others in the genre, Atomicrops truly is out standing in its field.

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Jay Jones
Jun 13, 2020

Desperados 3 is easily one of the best tactical games I’ve played this year and is one you’ll find yourself coming back too – often through gritted teeth – because you’re determined to see it through.

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Sam Diglett
Liked-a-lot - Beyond Blue
Jun 12, 2020

My heart feels full playing Beyond Blue. An adventure of exploration as much as anything else, but complemented by a story with some surprising hooks. Ultimately, though, it’s just about looking out at sea, taking in the stunning visuals appreciating what’s in view, and that all I needed Beyond Blue to be and precisely what I’ve been looking for in a game between intense experiences.

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Sam Diglett
Jun 8, 2020

Seven Sirens may not be the best of the Shantae games, but the characters it introduces, the forms it plays with, the story it tells, and the world it crafts boasts exciting possibilities for the future. WayForward have once again done what they do best and given us a brilliant side-scrolling platformer to remember, whether you’re a Shantae veteran or you’re just hearing about the Half-Genie Heroine for the first time.

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Sam Diglett

I am fully absorbed in this world, ravenous for more. If you’re looking for a deep, rich RPG, and you didn’t play this the first time around, absolutely pick up Xenoblade Chronicles on Switch.

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Brad Baker
Jun 4, 2020

For the most part, this was a lovely trip down memory lane. Which feels sort of strange to say when it also served as my introduction to gaming’s new groundbreaking, revolutionary platform in Stadia. On both counts, I had a great time, and the experience has made me want to play more Stadia games, as well as get higher scores in Panzer Dragoon. Whichever way you look at it, that experience has clicked and combined quite marvellously.

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