User296d44c574 Brotato Review
Jan 12, 2025
This game gets a 3 star rating because that's the difficulty curve where the games goes from dreadfully uneventful to just unfair and cruel, I've tried several runs with several potatoes and basically if RNG just doesn't give you purely luck and harvesting for the first 5 waves straight, you will see these tanky enemies at wave 10 that just go off and do their own thing and cut you off at corners, eventually the enemies at wave 12 will just be faster than you regardless of defense or offensive stats, you'll eventually take a constant damage and instantly die, the elites are too spongey, hit like a truck and has annoying attack patterns that insist you walk into the enemies, the only potato really useable is Loud because they don't spawn enough enemies in the early waves to get any XP and you can easily power scale through ethereal weapons.
Then they dare to try and get around scathing criticism of this headache inducing RNG, by telling you to just use the accessibility settings to adjust the game to be easier, you might as well just use cheat engine table to pry all the achievements out of the game and completely take out the RNG as a factor so you don't have to keep playing this game, slamming your desk and waking up your cat.
I know this isn't Vampire Survivors, but the massive difference between the 2 is that VS let's you slowly get a limited amount of upgrades or slowly permanently increase character stats with golden eggs to the point where it's too easy and it actively doesn't punish you for getting bad RNG, you can easily just change your build mid--game, this game has unforgiving store RNG, you need to get items to get discounts, free rerolls, and you usually have to build the same weapon so you can have a easier time evolving them or you have to wait for the perfect RNG to get you a matching weapon of the same rarity to upgrade, there's so many items in the game playing another character locks you around building only 1 stat that won't save you.
I only played this game after seeing Spiffing Brit, and he didn't build a certain way to make the game simpler, he just exploited a bug so he can fight the same wave and continue getting endless crates and materials, the game just simply doesn't give you enough to work with, your honestly probably better of just using standing still builds and if your potato doesn't survive the RNG just simply wasn't good enough, there's no sense of learning or progression with every horrible unceremonious death.
My last question I wonder about every day, do game platforms like Xbox, Playstation, Steam and Epic Games give away games like this for free, in hopes gamers do something drastically harmful to themselves and possibly others, or to make people get in a dark place and realize that this is just a kids' hobby, and made for people who can sink endless hours into a pointless RNG indie game with their only worries are about going to school tomorrow, it makes people realize that they are just trying to chase a feeling that will bring no fulfillment in their lives and playing this very game is the reason why you are a loser and continue to let everyone down in your life. potatoes.