Voss Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review

Jan 31, 2025
Just finished it, been disenfranchised with the series as a whole for some time now but thought I'd give it a go since VII is one of my favourite games of all time. I actually liked the combat, despite it being brain-dead easy for the most part. OST is beautiful, and the game can look visually stunning at points. Despite those pros, I found my self mostly disliking the game. The story has been butchered from the original for the most part, while turning the core gameplay into generic modern filler. You can't go 5 minutes without a new minigame or mechanic being thrown at you (who asked for a 2 hour cait sith crate throwing section?). Visuals on the whole are extremely disappointing. Terrible LOD, Ps1 era textures, Character faces, blurry visuals in general, despite being played on max in 4k. Far from the worst game in the series, but killed any of my hype for a part 3. I just hope IX gets better treatment.