VTheUnknownV Dead by Daylight Review

Feb 8, 2025
There are too many campers. It's become disgusting to play. And you can't even leave the game because they ban YOU. I repeat, it's become disgusting to play. And this scale of theirs where you supposedly can get out of the hook yourself is bfffshft. Because you can almost never do it, because either the survivors will be nearby, or he (the killer) is far enough away that it practically doesn't charge and close enough that you can't be saved. And even so, he then tunnels you and kills you. It doesn't matter whether you did something or not, right from the very beginning of the game. There are too few normal killers, from whom it's not even a pity to lose. And most of all, this is when power is supplied to the gate, when most of the things from camping turn off and no longer work. Which, I repeat, is disgusting and unfair. And on the contrary, you make the killers even stronger, while you worsen the abilities of the survivors. And no, I'm not for the survivors, I used to play for the killer, but it became boring to play for them because they are strong and killing survivors was quite easy (some killers have 5 or 7 abilities, and survivors have a maximum of 4, and if even they can defeat such killers with 4 abilities, it means the killer is either a newbie or does not really use his brain) (Now why do killers have more abilities than survivors: Because each killer is unique and each has their own ability. Some, like the Lich, have 4 abilities in one (4 plus 4, which are perks, it turns out 8). While survivors have 4 abilities, and the character is just for beauty and to get new perks.). Yes, there were moments when I could not kill everyone, but it was my fault, because I started to panic and stopped using my brain. Well, or I came across good survivors (they rarely come across them, personally). In short, if before I could give all 5 stars out of 5 for the game, now I can give a maximum of 2 stars out of 5. The game, where it was interesting to play before, has only become annoying and angry because of such players and the creators' changes in the game (perks are worsened). If campers were encountered 4 or 5 times out of 100 matches, now they are encountered 80 times out of 100, and even consequently. I don’t know, maybe I’m just “lucky”, but I practically don’t want to play anymore. I've been playing this game almost since it came out, for those who think that I'm a newbie and that I just don't know how to play.