acoutu Rocket League Review
Mar 24, 2025
Rocket league is a very fun, and exciting game, at least sometimes that is. I rarely ever find myself happy while playing and a lot of the time, it isn't even my fault. My main concern is public matchmaking. I personally don't enjoy 1v1's at all so I find myself doing 2v2's always. I will very often get paired with players that are simply bad. Sometimes it even feels like a 1v3. You also get a guaranteed ban even if you leave 1 casual game the entire day. I don't want to play with these players that don't compare to me or my opponents skill level, but unless I have 100 different friends to play with me whenever I feel like it, there is not much I can do about it. Recently, I left 1 game because I was seemingly playing a 3v1. My teammate was doing the most assistance for the other team causing me to leave the match. It felt like i was wasting time playing with them. I understand there's not much anyone can do about it but that's why i find it so annoying. Another concern I have is server lag. I will have perfect connection with no problems yet still find myself getting game costing lag spikes. Its not as big of an issue but it still something that I feel needs to be addressed. In conclusion, the game is really only fun if you have a friend to play with you or you enjoy doing 1v1's all day but when you can have fun, it's a really enjoyable experience.