Mateusz Cieślak
Alien: Rogue Incursion on the Meta Quest 3 is a fine game. Although the graphical compromises compared to other platforms are significant, I still had quite a good time playing this title. Unfortunately, the ending of the game really bored me, and running around the map just to extend the gameplay time is something I always consider a big downside in any title. Despite these flaws, I can recommend this game and I suggest reserving multiple shorter play sessions instead of one long to avoid falling victim to tedious backtracking.
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Every encounter raised my adrenaline, and while hearing the roar of approaching monsters, my hair stood on end more than once. Metro Awakening is not one of the best game on VR hardware, but also one of the best titles I've played in recent years.
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Ara: History Untold brings a fresh breeze to the 4X strategy genre, but it comes with plenty of room for improvement. Although the developers aimed to blend city-building with military strategy, the execution feels a bit clumsy. Oxide Studios has laid a good foundation for future games in this genre, demonstrating that economic strategy can be interestingly combined with military elements, though likely in a sequel if one is to come.
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Age of Mythology: Retold is the almost perfect remake. To be honest, I don't know what more I could expect from this game. A real gem for the fans, and still an interesting game for newcomers.
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Stellar Blade has a satisfying combat system, an uncomplicated equipment system that we can easily adjust to our playstyle, and a beautiful protagonist, thanks to whom the game gained notoriety. In my opinion, it's unfair that such a good game had to ride the wave of a mild scandal to get players' attention. Playing it is just pure fun, and I definitely recommend it to everyone.
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Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is like a cheap chocolate. It's supposedly sweet, but ultimately lacks the flavor we expected it to have.
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Although the launch of Lords of the Fallen was certainly not without issues, I can't deny the game's charm, and I've been absorbed by it like water into a sponge. I really like the graphical presentation, the plot outline, the dynamic combat with balanced and challenging difficulty, as well as the game design itself. Unfortunately, technical aspects need improvement, and many players might struggle with this production on lower-end hardware, but if I'm getting up earlier just to play this game, that must mean something.
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Forza Motorsport is undoubtedly a good game, but after six years of refinement, I expected a bit more. The slightly trimmed content at launch, though promised to be added monthly, is overshadowed by a significantly smaller number of tracks compared to Forza Motorsport 7, which is glaring. It's also disappointing that there's no narrative or story in this title. While the latest racer from Turn 10 is quite good and engaging, I fear players might forget about it quite quickly.
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