Umar Bastra

73 games reviewed
78.0 average score
80 median score
56.9% of games recommended
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Oct 12, 2015

Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer looks and sounds like the game that fans were expecting; unfortunately it lacks the depth and addictiveness to keep you interested. Even with its cast of adorable characters and excellent soundtrack, the gameplay becomes stale really fast and you'll find yourself grasping at what little the game has to offer in order to find something to hold your attention.

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I think the developers are on to something really special here, and if they properly end it off in the next and final episode, Life is Strange will stand as a giant in the genre. Now, all that's left is to wait for the finale, and what a long and gruelling wait it's going to be.

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7.5 / 10.0 - J-Stars Victory Vs+
Jul 17, 2015

A large part of your enjoyment of this game is dependent on how well you know these characters and how invested you are in their respective series. If pitting Ace against Akainu doesn't bring a tear to your eye, you might not enjoy this game as much as I did. If you're an avid anime and manga fan then you'll most likely appreciate this celebration of it. With some polish and refinement; it could be a great series. I really hope that this isn't its final form.

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Life is Strange Episode 3 falters in some areas but it was never enough to hurt the overall experience. With heartfelt moments and an incredible climax, this game proves that it can stand tall amongst the giants in the genre. I felt a bit disheartened by the incredibly slow and slightly boring second episode, but this one proves that this game is still hella awesome, and yes, I just said hella.

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While it's a hard sale for those that have already played the game to death, even with all the changes, but if you've never played it before, it's an easy recommendation. Pick this game up as it's chocked full of content that is still well worth your money. It's no Bloodborne though.

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Life is Strange Episode 2 stumbles a bit in continuing the momentum it built up in the previous episode by introducing some needlessly mundane activities and slow story pacing, but the scenarios found near the end of the episode more than makes up for any missteps. It was great to see just how my choices affected the game till now and I look forward to unearthing more secrets in this fascinating experience.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Bloodborne
Mar 31, 2015

The brutal difficulty is a huge part of the experience, but don't be fooled into thinking that's all the game is about. If you take the time to really get lost in the game, you'll feel the pride and love that From Software has poured into it - and maybe at the end of it all, you'll end up loving it too

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Feb 27, 2015

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is the best game in the series by far, sporting some welcomed additions and improvements. Ultimately though, whatever complaints there are are minor, as this is probably one of the deepest games you'll find on the system and one that will have you playing for hundreds of hours.

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8 / 10.0 - Terraria
Feb 18, 2015

If you're a PS4 owner and you've never played this game before, it's an easy recommendation as the core game is fun and addictive. If you're someone that has already crafted a Terra Blade, you've probably played this game to death already and it's a bit of a hard sell especially if you've got it on other Sony platforms. Regardless, Terraria is an amazingly addictive and satisfying game with tons of replay value and is well worth every penny.

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Life is Strange's debut episode starts off strong, showing just enough of what it has to offer while cementing its characters and story firmly in its world. Though the journey only lasted 2-3 hours, it did enough during that time to make me excited for the episodes to come and it left me guessing what the consequences of my actions will be.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Tengami
Dec 1, 2014

My dissatisfaction and yearning for more is only testament to its potential for greatness. The visuals are stunning and the soundtrack and ambience is completely and utterly mesmerising. This game is really good and I just wanted more: more puzzles, more of the world and more of that amazing music. It's such a shame really, that this game's biggest drawback is that it's so good.

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6.8 / 10.0 - Lords of the Fallen
Nov 7, 2014

Lords of the Fallen provides players with a solid experience and fun combat system, but it never provides enough reason to care about anything else.It's a shame as the game does have a lot of potential. With a little more polish and tweaks done to the story and balance, Lords of the Fallen could be a great title. Right now though, it isn't.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Hyrule Warriors
Sep 30, 2014

At the end of the day, Hyrule Warriors is at its core a Dynasty Warriors game, but it injects enough of that Legend of Zelda pizzazz to feel fresh and fun in its own right. This game won't convert you into Dynasty Warriors fan and it has its fair share of problems, but after all is said and done I can say this; Hyrule Warriors is fun, and I guess sometimes that's all that matters.

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