Tom Yeates

5 games reviewed
82.6 average score
83 median score
80.0% of games recommended
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8.3 / 10.0 - Evolve
Feb 19, 2015

If it bleeds you can kill it

Warlords of YAY-nor!

8 / 10.0 - ArcheAge
Oct 23, 2014

ArcheAge's robust free to play model, which is much fairer than many of its peers, will likely keep interest high and the population steady, which is an absolute necessity in a game that relies so heavily on its player-base to create meaningful experiences within its world. If you like some of the concepts of EVE Online or Darkfall but want a more relaxed approach then this is possibly the MMO you've been waiting for.

Jul 24, 2014

Gods will be worth it

Jun 17, 2014

For now we will say that Always Sometimes Monsters is best described more as an interactive story rather than a video game. There simply isn't very much video game about it. Instead you try to guide your character forward during the strangest and often darkest point of their entire life.