3 games reviewed
63.0 average score
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Mar 20, 2016
Look. My guess is that if you already like this series, you know why you are here. But if you aren't you are in for a very shallow, fan servicey, Dynasty Warriors clone.
Apr 4, 2015
It's a great romp in the HD realm if you have a monster hunter itch. This "definitive" edition has its share of problems, but is still great fun. Most of the issues grow from the fact that its mostly a clone of a largely popular and well received game. Should you get this? Depends how far you are willing to go for your MH itch.
Sep 5, 2014
What looks like a fun and beautiful spiritual sequel to the DKC64, SM64 and other bright colorful platformers of old, is more of a bland waterings down of an "adventure".