Nick Cowen
Cry 4 truly shines in the almost bacchanalian sense of freedom it bestows on the player as they traverse through its environment. In Kyrat you have the ability to go anywhere and do pretty much anything – much as Pagan Min would advocate. Here, the only pact you need keep is that with your conscience. God help you.
So Project Spark then, isn't exactly a fun game. The fun here can only be found in creating and sharing games with the community online – and playing some of their best creations. Right now, it's early days, so the amount of decent games in Project Spark's community isn't exactly big. But potentially, Project Spark could see a wonderful library of creator-based content on offer for players… provided a lot of them put the time in.
That having been said, if you own a new generation machine and you've never played Sleeping Dogs, the HD Definitive Edition is well worth picking up. It's just not an essential purchase for any player who has already walked a mile in Wei Shen's shoes. Everything that made Sleeping Dogs a memorable and fun open world game is present in its last generation counterpart – and right now, that's a good deal cheaper at retail.
Watch Dogs is solidly entertaining and a lot of fun to play. And while it could've achieved true greatness if it had followed through on its most ambitious promises, it is still better than a lot of what's been released this year. The hype seems already to be benefiting the sales figures. Everything about Watch Dogs tells us that we are all susceptible in the digital age.
Nick Cowen: Thief feels unwieldy at times, although it's not the travesty some reviewers are making it out to be
As good a showcase for the new console's graphics capabilities as Forza 5 – if only the gameplay was as beautiful
Gearbox has fleshed out the overall character of the universe from the first Borderlands and come up with a winner