Kurt Germer
Pokemon has been a big part of my life since it first arrived on US shores in 1998. It is a game that has captured the imaginations of children and adults alike. For the first time in the series\’ history, Pokemon X has made the full transition to 3D. It also offers advancements to the series as never before seen, changing the battle formula and how we battle each other online.
Overall I cannot recommend Bayonetta 2 enough, this is a game that every Nintendo Enthusiast and gamer should have in their collection. This game is a technical achievement in game design and has the pacing of classic video games that have defined a generation such as Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4. Bayonetta looks great, sounds great, and plays great; the game is not half bad too. Without a doubt, this is the greatest action game of all time.
I pull out my SNES every year to enjoy the good ol\' days of gaming and last summer, a series I decided to tackle was no other than Donkey Kong Country. While playing, I would keep muttering under my breath, "Why can't gaming be like this today?" Imagine my excitement when I found at E3 that Retro would be blessing us with another Donkey Kong platformer!