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Dave Horobin


Favorite Games:
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

42 games reviewed
82.1 average score
90 median score
64.3% of games recommended

Dave Horobin's Reviews

Dave is the TrueAchievements Social Manager and has been a news writer and reviewer since 2010.

There are still some rough spots then need addressing in future titles, and some of the new additions don't work as well as they should, but Odyssey sets a new bar for what an Assassin's Creed game can be.

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Oct 25, 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2's vast, detailed and stunningly beautiful open world sits as the perfect backdrop for its compelling and well-paced story filled with epic set pieces. With deeper gameplay mechanics, a larger cast of diverse and interesting characters to meet, and a wealth of content from side objectives to mini-games, RDR2 is a shining example of what makes Rockstar's games so special.

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