Ryan Aston
- BioShock Infinite
- Silent Hill 2
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
It's unfortunate that A Plague Tale's story falls short of its technical accomplishments.
The little that's good here isn't enough for one to shake off the faulty nature of the game's narrative and thematic machinery.
Overkill’s The Walking Dead certainly stokes the player’s despair, but not the sort that its developers intended.
There's no mystery to Union, which is grounded in exactly the way that the Beacon Mental Hospital was not.
The game's propensity for indulging counterintuitive elements feels like a willful act of self-sabotage.
Driven to Win's Takedown mode feels like exploitation, the video-game equivalent of tying fireworks to G.I. Joes.
Dead Rising 4 is a defanged sequel unlikely to satisfy fans of the series or appeal to new ones.
This series reboot fails to replicate the cleanness of the original games’ racing mechanics.
Think of Rare Replay like an entire Criterion Collection for video games in one package.
Some of the best features are frustratingly kept out of the player's hands for hours, by which time many will have lost interest.
If one is really so inclined to play the game, this Ultimate Evil Edition isn’t even the best version to take on. Despite the smart design decisions made porting the typically PC-based game to consoles, the interface makes it more complicated than necessary to find numbers and statistics, digging through menus that lack the finesse of the original PC version, and Adventure mode remains locked until the campaign is complete, a frustrating decision considering how many may have already completed the now two-year-old game on original release.
While it's to The Room's credit that the graphics and sound design remain impressive with the transition to PC, and able to compete against other PC titles, the gameplay does not, and without a compelling story the experience ends up being sadly forgettable.
Year Walk is a minimalist point-and-click chiller that affectingly and disturbingly strains for meta-fiction.
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is the perfect antidote to Call of Duty and Battlefield fatigue, replacing the grim, decrepit, gray-and-brown battle zone with vibrantly colorful gardens and crypts, where unlikely nemeses face off in hilarious, and strategic, skirmishes.