Emma Drake

6 games reviewed
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8.5 / 10.0 - Traverser
Jul 29, 2015

I can highly recommend Traverser, an extremely entertaining Indie puzzler with a lot of style.

8 / 10.0 - Anna's Quest
Jul 17, 2015

A gorgeous and high quality indie point-and-click adventure that fans of the genre must take for a spin. Anna's Quest impresses with an engaging and mysterious story-line and hours of entertaining and logical puzzles.

Nov 27, 2014

The first game is referred to as 'Book One' so I assume that there must be more episodes to come. Overall,  I think this game is well worth the investment of both your time and interest. It's a fresh spin on the action RPG genre and has plenty of new features to carve it's own niche. Definitely an excellent find for those of us who want to play a game that manages to be both familiar but fresh.

Unscored - Randal's Monday
Nov 11, 2014

As a fan of adventure games I can't help but feel like Randal's Monday has rather missed the point.

Oct 24, 2014

Maybe one day we will get a game that lives up to the show. This isn't it.

Unscored - Wasteland 2
Sep 19, 2014

I have no doubt that Wasteland 2 is going to become another classic alongside it's forbears and provide gamers with hours upon hours of RPG entertainment. Fans of both isometric strategy and in depth RPG's are going to love this game.