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Josh Knowles

Tampa, FL
Ag3nt XK

Favorite Games:
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Dark Souls 3
  • Mega Man X

23 games reviewed
81.9 average score
85 median score
86.4% of games recommended

Josh Knowles's Reviews

I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and writing about video games since 2007. I have a Guinness Record hanging on my wall. Feel free to ask about it sometime so I can tell you the boring story of how I got it! My favorite game is probably Final Fantasy 6, although I love to absolutely rave about the latest games I happen to be playing at the time. I'm a big fan of wrestling and love to voice my opinions on the things I love on twitter. Swing by and say hey! I'm a father of two boys, whom each share my passion for games in their own ways.
10 / 10.0 - Undertale
Oct 1, 2015

With masterful story writing, epic music, awesome gameplay and enjoyable puzzles, you organically move through the game until you reach the finale you earned. Undertale looks cheap and simple at a cursory glance but in the end turns out to be one of the most detailed games I've played in my entire life.

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I could sit here and gush about how fun it is to search for all the little secrets and how big the maps actually are. I could explain that the game really opens up as you become more experienced and using new tips and tricks will make things happen much faster. This review could easily be 3000 words long and I'd still have things to say about this game, like the gratuitous customization options available .

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8.8 / 10.0 - Rare Replay
Aug 12, 2015

Rare Replay sets the stage for what should be expected from a retro game collection and I absolutely see myself playing this game until I amass that 10,000 Gamerscore that can be earned.

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