David Haughton
5 games reviewed
76.0 average score
70 median score
40.0% of games recommended
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Nov 30, 2015
Rogue Factor have utterly nailed it when it comes to getting invested in your warband
Nov 23, 2015
There is nothing amazingly special about Dirty Bomb, but Splash Damage have finally nailed the formula
Oct 26, 2015
If the first paragraph of padding wasn't a big enough giveaway, its easy to see that there isn't a huge amount to say about Black and White Bushido
Sep 14, 2015
The campaign mode is a bad Tom Clancy novel with voice acting that ranges from 'Generic gruff army fella' to 'Is that blood coming out my ears?'
Aug 26, 2015
. . .a complicated visual prompt will pop up on the interface and lets you feel much more involved when in reality you're just waiting for a progress bar to finish