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LJ Lowery

Lafayette, LA

Favorite Games:
  • Doom
  • Legend of Zelda series
  • Marvel v.s. Capcom 2

144 games reviewed
75.3 average score
75 median score
70.8% of games recommended

LJ Lowery's Reviews

Born and raised in Santa Paula, CA but now reside in Lafayette, LA. Cut my teeth on Platformers, Fighting Games, and Beat 'Em Ups back in the days of the Genesis and SNES. I love video games and play many different kinds.
9.8 / 10.0 - SteamWorld Heist
Dec 9, 2015

Heist is easy to pick up and play, yet tough to master. Any fan of tactical strategy games is going to feel right at home. Image & Form has created a great addition to the SteamWorld universe.

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Dec 2, 2015

Treyarch Knocks another one out of the park. The fast faced gameplay brings a fresh new element to this annual title. The zombie mode is bigger than ever. Plus, the new direction they have taken with the campaign mode is a warm welcome.

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Nov 20, 2015

Unfortunately, Rodea the Sky Soldier is flying in low altitude. There is great potential, but the bad controls and camera are what shoot Rodea out of the sky. Here's hoping we get to see a bigger and better sequel one day.

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Nov 16, 2015

An adorable journey, and yet tougher than it looks. There is great fun to be had here when flying solo or with a friend. Good-Feel has created another epic yarn-filled experience.

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