Luke Brown

Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Mirror's Edge

106 games reviewed
81.1 average score
85 median score
73.6% of games recommended

Luke Brown's Reviews

Editor-in-Chief of Arcade Sushi Luke Brown is an experienced video game journalist who has contributed to Official Xbox Magazine and Games Radar. An avid comic fan and action figure junkie, he's also a senior editor at ComicsAlliance, handling mostly toy and collectible coverage.
Aug 13, 2015

Metalhead is successful in bringing quality baseball to the console, but Super Mega Baseball has a few shortcomings that keep it from becoming a standout game.

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With the arrival of the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones comes a rush of mixed feelings. I don't want it to be over, but House Forrester needs resolution.

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Jun 26, 2015

Despite its over-reliance on a few new tricks, Batman: Arkham Knight is a stellar game that cements Rocksteady Studios as one of the premiere action game developers of the modern era.

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Tales From the Borderlands' third episode does a nice job keeping us invested, continuing to add new wrinkles to the adventure, and keeping us smiling.

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"Sons of Winter" makes you feel almost as if the Forresters might find a way out of the darkness. Which has us incredibly worried about their future.

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Though "Chaos Theory" doesn't pack quite as much of an emotional punch as the previous chapter, Max's search for the truth in Arcadia Bay does take some startling turns.

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May 21, 2015

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a massive and ambitious game, bursting at the seams with content. It's a remarkable adventure, marred by its fair share of flaws.

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May 7, 2015

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood continues Machine Games' stellar approach to making Wolfenstein relevant again, even if it isn't quite as good as its predecessor.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Titan Souls
Apr 17, 2015

Acid Nerve's done a nice job crafting a game that provides a challenge without being overly frustrating, and more importantly, that's easy and enjoyable to play. My time in Titan Souls may not have been lengthy, but I'll remember my greatest kills for a long time.

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8 / 10.0 - MLB 15: The Show
Apr 7, 2015

MLB 15: The Show has improved in just about every conceivable area from its previous incarnation. So why does it feel so stale?

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Apr 7, 2015

Even with a shift in focus and a different studio behind it all, Battlefield Hardline doesn't feel all that different from previous efforts.

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Where the first episode applied some very basic foundations for the world and the characters, "Out of Time" really lets us explore the friendship these two girls share, even though they've been apart for so long.

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We're now officially halfway through Telltale's trip through Westeros, and the twists and turns show no signs of stopping.

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It's a terrifically smart and fun adventure, and the stakes feel very real, even when we're not exactly sure just what the maguffin is or does. Things are just getting interesting for our characters though, and we can't wait to find out what happens next.

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Resident Evil: Revelations 2's first episode is a welcome return for the franchise, but it's a little lacking in the depth department. The mystery is interesting, but we hope there's a bit more explanation and story to explore in the next installment.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Evolve
Feb 25, 2015

Evolve offers players a chance to tame the wilds of an alien landscape. Only it's never really quite clear just who is the hunter and who is being hunted.

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The weight of our choices is felt with every breath and step we take. While it's terribly stressful to be in charge of so many lives, it's also exciting.

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Life is Strange explores what it's like to be a teenage girl on the brink of escaping the clutches of high school, but with the ability to rewind time.

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Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris varies quite a bit from its more serious sister series, but the bite-sized action with a classic twist is just as enjoyable.

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This first episode is a bit dense, particularly for newcomers, but the attention to detail is meticulous and appreciated. Telltale's Game of Thrones manages to capture all the heart-racing moments and sweaty-palmed intensity fans have come to love. This episode sets up a sprawling adventure on the outskirts of the Westeros we know, and need more of immediately.

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