Darius Kubisch
- Uncharted series, Moss, God of War, Enslaved, Horizon: Zero Dawn, ...
- ... and many more.
There's no better way to complete one of the most popular video game series. Naughty Dog pull out all the stops and present you the best part of the series with Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Thrilling, exciting, comprehensive and beautiful. Farewell, Nathan Drake. Thanks, naughty dog.
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Horizon: Zero Dawn convinces with a fresh scenario with an interesting story and the fantastically staged battles against machines. In addition, Aloy is a new hero and the bombastic graphics of the Decima engine will enchant you throughout the entire game. Gladly more of it.
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Little Nightmares appeals to your childlike imagination, especially the dark childhood fears. A solid, entertaining puzzle adventure for in between, which you can complete in 2-4 hours and which combines the usual puzzle food with a great atmosphere. At the end of the journey many questions remain unanswered, yet the game leaves a good feeling and remains in your memory.
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Fe was able to keep up the interest it aroused with his announcement until the end and in any case he fulfilled it after the game. Zoink! Games have created a wonderfully likeable world. You won't find challenging Metroidvania action in Fe, but it scores with great and emotional moments, interesting characters, varied areas and an all around fun adventure trip. Visually a feast for the eyes, acoustically atmospheric and optimally accompanying at any time. If you want to take an enchanting, entertaining trip through a mysterious world, Fe is the place for you.
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Vane awakens the hope for an exciting, gloomy gaming experience in the style of Inside or Journey, but ultimately fails in the implementation and also offers hardly any fresh ideas over his short playing time.
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The fact that Metro Exodus also works for me as a newcomer to the Metro series and that I can now comprehend the often quoted strengths of the shooter cannot be denied. The balance between survival-, shooter- and stealth-gameplay, exploring the extensive areas and returning to narrow dungeons and tunnels, which are garnished with horror elements, is well done. I also liked the wonderfully refreshing reduction to the bare essentials in terms of HUD, markers and other ballast very much and intensified the immersion immensely. In the end, Metro Exodus entertained me well for about 20 hours, but didn't completely convince me. Nevertheless, the experience is worth a recommendation to me and Metro fans will probably take it anyway, although 4A Games has not only remained true to its strengths, but also to its weaknesses.
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Away: Journey to the Unexpected describes itself as a Feel-Good-Adventure right from the start and when it reaches the right target group, the four-hour adventure might also be a bit fun and feel good. The cuddly child comic style with a hint of anime, the uncomplicated gameplay - albeit with pitfalls - and the story are basically a round thing. Whether this is sufficient in form and scope as a gaming experience, everyone must decide for themselves. For me personally it was okay as a game snack for in between, but didn't bring me any highlights or the often quoted Feel Good atmosphere, felt shallow and will therefore quickly disappear from my memory.
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Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a lovely puzzle game experience that has entertained me for about five hours. The story doesn't contain any highlights in the course of the game itself, but it is still told in an interesting way and it shakes hands with the constantly growing challenge in gameplay. A look behind the hand-drawn fairy tale story with Japanese sound reveals a fine message, which also has an effect after the end of the game.
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Pode is a wonderful puzzle discovery adventure, which not only fascinates me with its colourful and varied scenery, which you can let shine in every room, but also with the two cute actors Boulder and Glo. For about seven hours I was entertained wonderfully, always curiously entering the next level, exploring its puzzles and secrets, and always had a smile on my face. Pode doesn't reinvent the puzzle genre, but offers harmonious and well thought-out mechanics that encourage puzzling and equally challenges the good mood spray. Practical that you can enter the journey together in a co-op as well as a single player. The atmospheric soundtrack rounds the whole thing off and delivers an all-round feel-good game that you shouldn't miss.
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With A Plague Tale: Innocence, the French Asobo Studios present an intense stealth adventure that immediately captivates you with its gripping story about the siblings Amicia and Hugo, always carried by a dense atmosphere, beautiful locations and authentic medieval backdrops. Over 12-15 hours you will be guided through the varied events at a pleasant pace, not only getting to know the horrors of war and the "Black Death" as well as the machinations of the Inquisition, but also quiet moments, helpful inhabitants and companions growing close to your heart. A Plague Tale: Innocence entertained me wonderfully and even surpassed my anticipatory expectations. On top of that there is the wonderful soundtrack of Olivier Deriviere and therefore my conclusion that you shouldn't miss this narrative experience.
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Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince brings back the Jump'n'Run series. Breathtakingly beautiful and colorful with lovingly placed details, the game grabs you from the first minute. Familiar fun jumping with our three heroes in interaction, spiced with fights, numerous puzzles and funny physics games.
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