Matheus Ricardo Uihara Zingarelli

42 games reviewed
77.8 average score
78 median score
42.9% of games recommended
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65 / 100 - Spellspire
May 23, 2017

Spellspire has a nice concept and a creative gameplay, mixing a letter scramble game with quick battles. There is good diversity of items, equipment and enemies. However, since the game holds the same structure of its mobile version, with the absence of microtransactions, its qualities are overshadowed by an excessive grinding that discourages in the medium term.

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60% - Deliriant
May 29, 2017

Deliriant is more like an interactive artistic experience than a game itself. There isn't much to do besides exploring a house of the 1970s and observing its objects and furniture, in an attempt to understand the story they hold. For patient players, the game opens up to different interpretations, which may involve themes like abuse, neglect and dreams given up due to other responsibilities in life (whether planned or not).

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