Christopher Walker
NBA 2K23 is the latest official title in the world-renowned, best-selling NBA 2K series. Players create their own legacy on the blacktop and compete across new, revamped, and returning modes.
NBA 2K21 on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S is definitely an improvement over its current gen partner, and, without a doubt, the best next gen sports upgrade out of them all. The gameplay is night and day, and The City, while it does have faults, fully shows off the power of next gen gaming in its scale to give gamers a completely new experience. There’s something for everybody in this game, and if they work to correct the issues it does have the future of NBA 2K is as bright as ever.
If you're a fan of simulation baseball and or looking for a cheap alternative to MLB The Show 18, I would pass on this. RBI Baseball has an opportunity to fill the void left by MLB 2K for Xbox users and with this installment they still have a long way to go.
In closing, this game still needs plenty of work and I hope they get the help they need to clear up some glaring problems this game has. They are close to giving football fans a legit option instead of Madden. The Dynasty Mode is enough of a gem to hope this game takes the next leap. Unfortunately, as it currently stands the game isn’t worth its $30 price tag and I would wait for it to drop dramatically before considering it. Unfortunately, gamers looking for an alternative to Madden will need to keep looking.
Now fans are quick to call a new game a copy of the last game with 5 points added on to the end. NHL 23, is probably one of the first that I can say would deserve that honor. As a longtime player of the franchise, I’m a bit taken back. Gameplay-wise I would recommend the game, I feel they’ve made a bunch of minor improvements to keep it fresh with the biggest being the Last Chance Puck Movements. But with little to no improvement in most game modes. If you already have NHL 22, I would wait until NHL 23 is on sale before I get it.
You know what your getting when you purchase this game and they do not disappoint.
There’s enough enjoyability in the gameplay department to overlook the heavy cloud of microtransactions that’s around every corner of the game
As of right now, Madden 24 is a massively offensively slanted fun game and fun is all you really want from a video game at the end of the day.
MyTeam and MyPlayer have never been better, and the changes to the dribbling and foot planting has caused offense to be fun while not being mindless like the year of the blow by was. If we are officially though the weeds as far as all the issues go, the game can stand on its own as one of the best in the series; if not we are in for a long year.
In the end, 2K manages to innovate their most popular mode with the addition of The Neighborhood. It has a lot of potential and refines a lot of minor issues the game had like faster load times and now being able to see who your opponent is user controlling.