Aidan Bates

26 games reviewed
73.8 average score
80 median score
61.5% of games recommended
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Jan 31, 2018

Overall, Dragon Ball FighterZ gets an 8/10, the main gameplay is superb, reaching near the top of my favourite list of fighting games. A good majority of the game feels balanced, with the aesthetic looking gorgeous, even with some minor annoyances with light and shadows being used in the cutscenes

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Overall South Park: The Fractured but Whole gets a 9/10, the humour is great for those who meld well with its style or if you’re a fan of the series. The gameplay has improved greatly from the first game with more strategic thinking being required for later parts of the game. The dungeon maps are longer with more puzzles, if a bit fewer in numbers in comparison to the first game.

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7 / 10 - Fictorum
Sep 7, 2017

Overall Fictorum gets a 7/10, it doesn't feel like a full release, more of an early access build of the game. The music feels underdeveloped, alongside the battle maps that are repeated too many times with boring mountains above the clouds. Spell customising can be quite fun, with on the fly control of how you use your mana and runes.

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Sep 5, 2017

Overall, Ark: Survival Evolved gets an 8/10, it was and still is a great game, with the new additions to the game and changes it has seen a vast improvement. However, it still has a big problem, glitches, and optimisation, with many claiming it has not improved since day one. Early Access, Alphas, and Betas are meant to be the time you make a game stable, not add more stuff to break it.

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It has some cute quirks, both in style and gameplay but suffers too much from that cute approach to design. The season mechanic keeps some of the game fresh but locks some stuff away. Crafting is quick and simple, combined with an easy to learn trading system in place for items you’re wanting to obtain.

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8 / 10 - Antihero
Jul 10, 2017

Overall Antihero has amazing and engaging gameplay that requires you to think rather than brute force it. The style is refreshing alongside the continual addition of mechanics keeping every level feeling fresh.

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