Ryan Janes

118 games reviewed
71.0 average score
70 median score
82.2% of games recommended
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May 12, 2018

Wild Guns Reloaded is among one of the best examples of bringing an older title over to a newer system. While it would have been one thing to do a simple port job of this SNES cult-classic, the wealth of fresh new content adds another layer to this already excellent shooting gallery experience. Steeper price aside, this is a perfect fit for Switch offering an action-packed, fun time on your own or with friends.

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7 / 10 - Bombslinger
May 5, 2018

Bombslinger is a fun time whether playing alone or in a group but its tough and often frustrating difficulty can prove too punishing at times. While I welcome a challenge, levelling up your character and purchasing an assortment of upgrades only to have them stripped away upon death be it through mistake or controller accuracy just plain sucks.

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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was and still is a fantastic 2D platformer. It looks and sounds brilliant and plays just as well, constantly surprising you with new and creative ideas throughout its six-island quest. This may have been my second time playing through the Retro Studios platformer but I enjoyed every moment despite a disappointing lack of new content. And if you never got the chance to check out the big ape’s icy adventure back on Wii U then this Switch version is an absolute must.

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6 / 10 - I, Zombie
Apr 16, 2018

I, Zombie is a decent if short distraction that offers you the chance to play as a zombie and get your own back on the trigger-happy human race. Its gameplay may be overly simplistic but it’s fun enough to keep you engaged to the end. Unlike a zombie, this game is no rotting mess but it could certainly be a little fresher.

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Apr 14, 2018

Word Search by POWGI isn’t going to that’s blow you away with its ingenuity nor is it a particularly exciting experience. Instead, it’s 300 plus word search puzzles with a four-player element thrown in for good measure. It’s an easy way to pass the time sure, but one that’s also devoid of any real substance. Exactly what you expect it to be, no more, no less.

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Apr 10, 2018

BINGO for Nintendo Switch is tedious, repetitive and just plain dull. None of the four available games offer anything close to fun, the constant focus on searching for numbers wearing out its welcome quickly. Bottom line, there are so many great ways to spend your time on the Switch and BINGO isn’t one of them.

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6 / 10 - Unepic
Apr 7, 2018

On a system that already has its fair share of Metroidvania style outings, UnEpic fails to deliver the same level of adventure and excitement as its competition. Truth is UnEpic feels… well exactly that delivering a fairly ordinary take on the genre and one that plays totally fine but lacks the ingenuity and satisfaction you want.

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7 / 10 - Swim Out
Mar 30, 2018

Swim Out doesn’t shake-up the genre in terms of its originality but even a well-worn idea can still be a decent one. The game’s summery feel results in a very relaxing experience and one ideal for short bursts especially in handheld mode. The genre may be getting a little crowded on Switch but Swim Out ranks higher than most.

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Mar 27, 2018

Spiral Splatter is your typical smartphone port – visually simple, light on content and lacking some features in the move to Switch. While the core idea works, everything else about the game feels uninspired resulting in an experience that’s fine for an hour or two but likely forgotten the moment you move onto greener pastures.

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7 / 10 - Clustertruck
Mar 23, 2018

Clustertruck is a simple idea but a really entertaining one. What it lacks in depth or missing features, it makes up for in sheer laughter – every attempted run a mash-up of drunkenly driven trucks, unexpected situations and death-defying risks. Snappy, exciting and sometimes frustrating, Clustertruck is a welcome addition to the eShop library and has me eager to see what publisher TinyBuild has in store for Switch owners next.

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Mar 19, 2018

Nearly every aspect of Scribblenauts Showdown feels like a missed opportunity. Whether it’s the disappointing mini-games, uninspired sandbox mode or even just the limited amount of content on offer the experience overall feels shallow. Which is a real shame, because we know the series is capable of much more. So while it’s exciting to see the Scribblenauts series alive, it’s far less so in this current state.

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6 / 10 - Qbik
Mar 12, 2018

Qbik isn’t going to win any “best in genre” awards anytime soon; however, it’s a neat enough distraction and one at a bargain price. While its presentation feels a little bare bones and the game’s difficulty unforgiving, there’s just enough here to make Qbik worth a look if you’re a fan of your puzzle games.

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Mar 3, 2018

Image & Form have continued to impress with their output on Nintendo's newest toy as of late, however, it's nice to see the developer hasn't forgotten its handheld roots either. SteamWorld Dig 2 on 3DS is a great version of the excellent sequel making it an ideal alternative for those that have yet to take the plunge on a Nintendo Switch.

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7 / 10 - ChromaGun
Feb 24, 2018

Pixel Maniacs’ effort might share an awful lot in common with Valve’s Portal series but those parallels are only skin deep. At its core, ChromaGun takes something as simple as colours (something we’re all familiar with) to craft an inventive puzzler unlike anything currently on Switch. Outside its short runtime and sometimes frustrating difficulty, ChromaGun is still a smart and entertaining challenge perfect for those that like their brain being truly tested.

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7 / 10 - Disc Jam
Feb 18, 2018

Disc Jam offers the ideal balance of simplicity and depth you’d want from an arcade-like sports experience. The action is fast and matches often tense but sadly the overall package is let down by some rougher edges and gross microtransactions. Windjammers might still reign as king of the fake Frisbee-style sports genre but Disc Jam is a decent enough imitation for the Nintendo Switch.

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10 / 10 - Bayonetta 2
Feb 14, 2018

Bayonetta 2 remains a phenomenal thrill-ride from start to finish, each new encounter you face more outrageous and epic than the last. The fact that you can now take this experience anywhere with you easily makes this ultimate version of the game. Sure, it may not dramatically alter the formula laid out in the original, but it’s still a bigger and better package overall and easily one of the best examples of its genre. The wait for Bayonetta 3 just got a whole lot tougher.

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Feb 12, 2018

Night in the Woods is an incredible, heartfelt journey that goes above and beyond anything currently on Switch when it comes to its character development and storytelling. While the pacing might not be to everyone’s tastes, Night in the Woods is a truly unforgettable experience and one I’m sure we’ll be talking about for years to come.

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Feb 6, 2018

SteamWorld Dig’s biggest problem is that it follows in the footsteps of its bigger, better sequel – a game that has only been on the eShop for a few months now. Still, the core of what makes SteamWorld Dig so much fun as a series still shines bright enough in the original despite its scuffs and scratches.

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6 / 10 - Azkend 2
Feb 4, 2018

Azkend 2: The World Beneath is another solid enough effort from 10tons that might not do anything we haven’t seen dozens of times before, but proves distracting enough when played in handheld. With so many other better examples of the genre on Switch already out there though, you’re probably better off investing your time and money in one of those instead.

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Jan 31, 2018

The Next Penelope is a short but very fun racer. While it may be the eye-catching visuals that initially draw you in, it’s the tough, clever, addictive racing gameplay that you’ll want to stay for. Another winner for the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch.

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