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Joshua Duckworth

Middle of Nowhere, Alabama

Favorite Games:
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Dragon Age
  • Baldur's Gate 3

44 games reviewed
72.7 average score
80 median score
54.5% of games recommended

Joshua Duckworth's Reviews

Joshua grew up in poverty, deep in the Middle of Nowhere, Alabama. Gaming was a rarely afforded escape from reality that persisted throughout his life, something that saw him through good times and hard times. Joshua started at Game Rant in 2017 where he fell in love with a company that supports creativity, treats video games with the respect they deserve, and is complete with people whose passions match his. It's this passion he hopes to communicate in every post, in every conversation about the industry, and so forth. Outside of gaming and Game Rant, Joshua spends a lot of time with his lovely wife and children, keeps pulling for Cody Rhodes in WWE, and manages the farm he inherited from his grandfather. If you name a video game, Joshua can rant about it—that's a guarantee. For Joshua, the world of gaming isn't just an industry, but his first love.
Nov 26, 2018

The realism of Farming Simulator 19 - both mechanically as described and graphically - adds to everything the game embodies from the realistic operations to the aesthetic farm scenery. Because of the amount of detail in the graphics and the game mechanics, this can be described as an incredibly hardcore simulator, which comes with a high level of freedom of choice.

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The Walking Dead Final Season episode two creates a unique entry in the longrunning series, effectively combining tradition and innovation into a cohesive story.

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Episode 1 of The Walking Dead: The Final Season puts players back in control of Clementine but it builds off past seasons in a way that might not be satisfying to some.

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Aug 14, 2018

Despite having a few drawbacks in terms of gameplay, story direction, and in-game frustration, Wailing Heights manages to provide players with a uniquely fun experience.

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