Richard Flint
To sum up Gears 5 in a word would be “satisfying”. From the combat, plot, and ensemble of characters, it all fits neatly together in a well-wrapped present.
As an experience, FutureGrind is an excellent example of the balance between punishing and satisfying gameplay. Scoreboards and trophy systems are in place to encourage gamers to beat their previous scores, creating a level of player-induced difficulty. The ease of resetting a level goads gamers into trying more daring acts to boost combos in a high risk, high reward scenario. The varying environments and changes of pace from using the differing bikes is enough to prevent the experience from becoming stale. Overall, FutureGrind is a brilliantly addictive title with a tonne of replay value for those competitive gamers eager to better themselves and show off their skills.
Currently, the graphical hindrances do not derive from the overall enjoyment of the game. Compulsion Games is continually working to iron out the issues and provide a smoother running experience. Despite some minor problems, the game is an overall joy to play and well worth a playthrough for RPG fans or any gamer in need of a well-written bash.
With all said and done, and despite several flaws, Warhorse Studios delivers a fantastic first game and deserves praise for Kingdom Come's successes. The issues currently present in the game are comparable to Bethesda's infamous bugs. However, even before the game's release, the developers were working hard to constantly address feedback given by the community to influence future patches that will hopefully turn Kingdom Come: Deliverance into the great experience fans believe it can be.