Daniel Garcia Ballesteros

12 games reviewed
68.6 average score
80 median score
83.3% of games recommended
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May 23, 2021

Resident Evil Village is a masterpiece, it is the evolution in all aspects of its previous chapter. It has been able to take advantage of the aspects that most enamored its community with the old titles and has managed to implement them in a first-person title.

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9.3 / 10.0 - Destroy All Humans!
Jul 27, 2020

We have in front of us the remake of a classic, we recommend this title not only for the nostalgic ones, but also for the players who want to let off steam for a while on foot or in a ship destroying everything that we find and enjoying the foul-mouthed Crypto and its cracks.

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Aug 27, 2019

Remnant: From The Ashes is not a perfect game, nor does it reinvent anything in its genre, but it has known how to give it its own touch in a really intelligent way and with a very high quality in all aspects.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Blasphemous
Sep 30, 2019

If you love the Metroidvania, the challenging platforms, the detailed Pixel Art and the highly gloomy, heavy and terrifying atmospheres, this game should be a must in your library.

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Nov 26, 2020

Observer: System Redux presents a really attractive and atmospheric world. Whether we consider the game as a reconstruction, remastering, remake or any combination of terms, it is without a doubt an example of an improved edition well done.

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8 / 10.0 - Death Stranding
Jul 14, 2020

Death Stranding is a very complex game and definitely different from any other experience you've had before in any other game.

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7.9 / 10.0 - Mortal Shell
Aug 28, 2020

Mortal Shell is definitely a good title that although it is not perfect, and we must take into account on more than one occasion that it is made by a small studio of only fifteen people, if it will provide any fan of the known Soulslikes a title that innovates and will not leave anyone indifferent, its tremendously dark and gloomy atmosphere will make us imbued and want to know all its secrets.

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Oct 16, 2020

Shooting things is definitely the goal of Aquanox Deep Descent. After so many years, it is really a shame to see that the saga has not evolved and has not diversified in any way or gone deeper in almost any aspect.

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5 / 10.0 - Generation Zero
Mar 25, 2019

This game feels, looks and plays like a title in advance access. I think it will be good someday because I think it has the potential and character enough, but I do not think it is his day of departure and surely not soon either.

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Dec 3, 2020

Chronos: Before The Ashes is a Souls-Like/RPG that unfortunately we cannot recommend. Starting with its low difficulty and poor variety in the combat system. As well as its lack of content in terms of weapons or armor (which is directly lacking) and its more than poor 5-6 hours of gameplay.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Grave Keeper
Mar 29, 2019

We are in front of a game that can give us an hour or two of fun, but in most cases it will leave us wanting more and we will have the feeling that it is a mobile game carried in quite a hurry.

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8 / 100 - Samurai Shodown
Jul 11, 2020

Samurai Shodown feels like a real breath of fresh air for the beat'em-up, personally I can say that I find it very attractive to feel that I'm actually playing a game that aims to really simulate what a duel would be, forcing us to manage both defence and attack equally, and moving away from the typical button-crushing that for many people is this kind of genre.

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