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Jonathan Bolding

49 games reviewed
77.8 average score
80 median score
69.4% of games recommended

Jonathan Bolding's Reviews

Jon Bolding is a critic, writer, and streamer with a background in literary criticism and theory. This only sometimes enters his work on games. He sidelines in tabletop game reviews, including a specialization in roleplaying games. He currently edits, writes, and streams full time for The Escapist.
Jun 10, 2014

A solid, accessible city builder, Tropico 5 gets out of the way and lets you have the fun you came for without pissing around in fiddly details.

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May 14, 2014

The core is the same as ever, but this is kart racing at its finest.

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Apr 23, 2014

If you had fun with the first NES Remix, then consider this one too. It's better.

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Though it fails to innovate in an engaging way, the base on which Tropical Freeze is built is solid as a glacier.

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Feb 5, 2014

What's here is undoubtedly high quality, but some may find themselves just wanting more of the game. It's a blessing and a curse.

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Jan 19, 2014

Blackguards has its up and downs, but at $40 for 40 or more hours of good gameplay, it's hard to beat.

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Jan 14, 2014

The hand-drawn visuals, interesting combat, and epic story mean The Banner Saga is crafted from flawless pieces - even if the final product is a little rough.

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Nov 17, 2013

While Crimson Dragon may lack a certain level of polish or depth, it's certainly above average.

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Nov 15, 2013

While the story is good fun, and the mechanical conceits awesome, Contrast's puzzles just aren't as hard as they need to be

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