Andrew Thornton

256 games reviewed
73.8 average score
80 median score
57.4% of games recommended
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Nov 8, 2021

I had a lot of fun during my time with Blue Reflection: Second Light. A colorful world filled with interesting characters and some of my favorite JRPG combat in a long time makes for a consistently entertaining play. I just wish the main story ever really became interesting. As a slice of life RPG, Second Light succeeds. As an apocalyptic epic, though, it falls short. This leaves a total package that lies somewhere in the middle.

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Nov 4, 2021

While there’s very little wrong with Age of Empires IV, this is a game that could definitely have been used to take more risks. A part of me wondered what a modern Age of Empires game would feel like. It turns out, like more Age of Empires. You may at some point wonder why you didn’t just go back and play the series’ earlier titles. Excellent production values help to make the case, however, and there’s just so much to do. I fear I’ll pour far too many hours of my life into this game in the coming years. Fans who have been waiting for more Age of Empires or a good RTS that doesn’t feel like it had to be developed on a shoestring budget will find what they’re looking for in Age of Empires IV.

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4 / 5.0 - Riders Republic
Oct 31, 2021

Once you get through the tutorial Riders Republic opens up into a sandbox only limited by your imagination. There’s enough to do to keep players busy for a long time and enough variety to keep things fresh. So grab your board, hop on your bike, it’s time to ride.

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Oct 25, 2021

Despite some issues with bugs and shooting that could use a little more weight behind it, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy tells a fantastic story that kept me glued to my seat until the very end. An excellent voice cast, killer 80s soundtrack, and strategic combat sweetened the deal. Anyone looking for a fun action game should consider checking it out, and for fans of the Guardians, this is an absolute must-play.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Back 4 Blood
Oct 23, 2021

At its best, Back 4 Blood offers a ton of variety to keep you and your friends interested for a long time. Even returning to levels you’ve already played gets interesting thanks to different cards, which can make major differences in how things play out. If you have three friends to play the whole game with, I highly recommend it. That its available as a Game Pass title is awesome because you can get a group of friends together without them all having to buy the game. If you don’t have that group though, a poorly balanced solo mode and issues with matchmaking will sink this one for most.

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Featuring more modes and options than I knew what to do with, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium is still worth the time of fighting game fans 22 years after its initial release. With tight controls, deep combat, and a huge roster, there’s so much to keep you busy. I’d love to see PC releases of the arcade Capcom vs. SNK titles, but for now, this alternative will keep fans plenty busy.

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Oct 14, 2021

It’s hard to complain about a ten-game collection where every game is at least good. The NeoGeo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 is a fascinating look back at a system that deserved better. With few games that are truly essential, though, and many of them having better versions out there, it’s also not a must-own. For those who have fond memories of these games, or who are just interested in checking out a sadly forgotten device, though, check it out.

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4 / 5.0 - Gleylancer
Oct 12, 2021

If you’ve ever been curious about Gleylancer, there’s not a better way to play it than this new update. It plays great, looks great, sounds great, and offers a variety of excellent new options. To see such a fully-featured update released for such a great price is rare, and it’s worth supporting. If you’re at all interested in shmups, I’d highly recommend checking Gleylancer out.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Metroid Dread
Oct 10, 2021

Metroid Dread is a must-own for any Metroidvania fan. Featuring some of the best 2D combat I’ve ever played and a world dying to be explored, I couldn’t put it down until I reached the thrilling conclusion. Its difficulty and atmosphere help it live up to its namesake but never chased me away. There are minor issues, but nothing that stops this from being one of 2021’s best.

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Oct 8, 2021

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl feels incomplete in a lot of ways. It needed more modes, better sound design to provide some personality, a better selection of stages. If the developers take the time to fill the game out further, it could even end up being something pretty special. For now, this is still far better than a Nickelodeon fighting game has any right to be. The most important part of a fighting game is the feel, and the team at Ludosity nailed that. When I was tearing through foes with Reptar online, I had a hard time caring about what was missing. Players coming in with the right expectations will have a ton of fun, just don’t expect a game that is more than it is.

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3 / 5.0 - Ghostrunner
Oct 7, 2021

At its best, Ghostrunner provides truly thrilling action that feels alive. Rough level design and a few too many mechanics that don’t always fit together get in the way a little too often, though. There are definitely players looking for just what Ghostrunner offers, but they won’t find a smooth ride.

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4 / 5.0 - G-Darius HD
Oct 5, 2021

G-Darius HD is a classic shmup, and it arrives on Nintendo Switch in excellent form. While the updates are minimal, it feels true to perhaps the best game in the Darius series. If you’re looking for more than that, you won’t find it here, but fans who know what they’re buying will find a game that holds up, even after all these years.

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Oct 4, 2021

JETT: The Far Shore provides a truly otherworldly experience. With a unique look, stunning soundtrack, and a ship that controls like a dream, strap in and fulfill Jao’s directive. Late game choices take the wind out of things a bit, but I still recommend taking a journey on the far shore.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Underland
Oct 4, 2021

You’ll finish Underland relatively quickly, even if some of the late puzzles end up giving you trouble. As I said up front, this is a small game. That’s not inherently a bad thing, though. It’s well priced and provides a few pleasant hours of entertainment. If solving some solid puzzles and helping your astronauts reach the remnants of humanity sounds like a good time, give Underland a try.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Sable
Sep 29, 2021

Sable does so much well that it’s a shame that these issues consistently distract from its stunning world. This is the sort of game that may be easy to recommend in a few months after a few patches, but I can only rate the game as it is. There’s still a lot to like here if you’re willing to put up with some frustration along the way. Just know that if you purchase it now, you’ll be dealing with a less than smooth ride.

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Sep 27, 2021

If you’re at all a fan of Metroidvanias and haven’t played most of these games, there’s no reason to wait. Not every game here is perfect, but they’re all at least good. Circle of the Moon provides the best mix between the old and new style of Castlevania, while Aria of Sorrow is an absolute triumph that holds up beautifully even after all these years. Harmony of Dissonance has more flaws but is still mostly an excellent play, and even Dracula X is a very solid title. I would have loved to see more work done to provide a total package here, but few collections have ever provided a better set of titles.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Struggling
Sep 23, 2021

While Struggling eventually comes together to a degree and showcases impressive creativity, it doesn’t change that this is a game with audio that made me want to mute my TV and controls, which simply don’t feel good. It’s a real struggle to play. While that may be mostly intentional, it doesn’t make the game more enjoyable in the end. Some players may find more in it than me, but I’m more interested in seeing what the creative team at Chasing Rats Games does next. Any team with this much creativity feels like they have a great game in them. They didn’t get there this time, though.

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Sep 22, 2021

I’ve mentioned a lot of other games throughout this review. Uncharted, Jak & Daxter, Pikmin, I could name a few more too. While not a lot here is fully original, almost everything is well-executed, and when you add an excellent story and a ton of personality, you have a winning experience. Although there are a few minor issues here and there, Kena: Bridge of Spirits provides a wonderful base that we can only hope future games will build on.

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Sep 20, 2021

I don’t want to be too negative because you could do far worse than to spend some time with Flynn: Son of Crimson. This is a consistently adequate game that, now and then, can reach a bit above that level. It enters a truly crowded market for its genre, though. Game Pass subscribers may be tempted to check it out, and with the game being included, there’s no real cost to do so. The service is filled with more exciting titles in a similar vein, though—games like Celeste, Dead Cells, Katana Zero. When you have options like that, it becomes more difficult to recommend Flynn. If you’ve already played them and want more, though, then checking this one out could be worth your time.

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Sep 19, 2021

Hanako: Honor & Blade has some interesting ideas, and the story behind its creation is wonderful. I genuinely like some of the choices the development team made, and I had fun at times. The core of the game, however, needs a lot of work. With poor balance, combat lacking any weight, and matches mostly featuring terrible AI opponents, there’s much the developer needs to do to make this one worth your time. If you get together with some friends and all pick it up, you might get a few entertaining afternoons out of it, but unless the development team keeps working to improve things, don’t expect much more.

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