Dan Webb
102 games reviewed
78.3 average score
80 median score
63.7% of games recommended
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Nov 17, 2013
Zoo Tycoon's biggest crime is its lack of ambition. With all the power behind it and a renowned sim-orientated brand, it's as if family specialists, Frontier, wasn't sure which crowd to cater too. Despite that, the pseudo-deep sim game is feature-heavy and an ultimately enjoyable ride.
Nov 16, 2013
It's a new day, a new dawn for the next-generation consoles and the Dead Rising franchise. Easily Microsoft's best launch title and the very definition of a killer-app, if Dead Rising 3's environmental depth and detail is a sign of things to come for the new generation of consoles, get ready to bask in the glory that is open-world games. Dead Rising 3 is an undead treat.