Andrew Shaw

45 games reviewed
77.8 average score
80 median score
71.1% of games recommended
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Mar 2, 2020

This will never be a title that I to return to it in the way I do with Civilization V or Rome: Total War, but it was a solid experience nonetheless.

Mar 2, 2020

Bookbound Brigade feels less like a literary Avengers and more like a literary Suicide Squad. It simply has not done enough to justify itself. Strictly for diehard Metroidvania fans.

9 / 10.0 - Eastshade
Feb 27, 2020

Easy to play, even easier to lose yourself in, Eastshade is a beautiful storytelling experience unlike anything else seen in the RPG genre.

Feb 22, 2020

Loud, colourful, and chaotic. Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate is a more than worthy addition to the long-running, entertaining franchise.

7 / 10.0 - Hunt: Showdown
Feb 20, 2020

Hunt: Showdown is a solid game, with genuine thought put into making it play in a distinct way, but it feels too anonymous in every other key area to be essential within the genre.