Javad Mohseni

28 games reviewed
74.5 average score
78 median score
60.7% of games recommended
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9 / 10.0 - Hitman 3
Jan 27, 2021

Hitman 3 is one of the best Hitman games ever made, with truly engaging gameplay, insane replay values and great visuals. Hitman 3 acts as a perfect finale for the latest trilogy in the series, and it seems that IOI will drop the franchise for a while to focus on the 007 series, hopefully with the same level of drive and ambitions.

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Dec 10, 2020

The latest expansion pack for the hit series World of Warcraft is just at the beginning of its journey, and is off to a strong start. The gameplay experience is still very fun and the amount of new content is insane. Only time will tell how successful this expansion pack will eventually be, but for now we can do nothing but to enjoy it.

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Nov 7, 2020

Neighbors Back From Hell is all about nostalgia, but other than that doesn't have much to offer. If you played and liked the old games you'll probably have a good time here, but as a new generation gamer it's a hit and miss.

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Ancient Gods is not necessarily a bad expansion pack, but the original DOOM Eternal was so good and even small changes in the wrong direction can hurt the experience. In Ancient Gods case, the uneven difficulty and confusing story seem to be those wrong changes that topple DOOM Eternal from the top a little bit.

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Oct 22, 2020

In the end, it's safe to say that Remothered Broken Porcelain failed to keep up to expectations set by the first game. Broken Porcelain's story is weird and the shallow gameplay and not so impressive puzzles don't help either. Add tons of bugs and technical issues to everything I just said and you'll realize that it may be the best choice to ignore this game.

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Jul 14, 2020

The Almost Gone is solid as far as we talk about puzzles and level design, but other elements of the game are not as good. The story, while looks interesting, lacks dept and the visuals are dated especially in close shots. All this make The Almost Gone a mediocre title that fails to impress when you consider all the angels.

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6 / 10 - Beyond Blue
Jun 14, 2020

Beyond Blue offers a unique experience deep down the ocean, and while it feels more like a science project than a video game, it can be still enjoyed by some very specific kind of gamers, or scientists!

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May 10, 2020

Someday You'll Return is neither on par with top quality horror games, nor can compete with other indie titles in the past few years.

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