Javad Mohseni

28 games reviewed
74.5 average score
78 median score
60.7% of games recommended
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Oct 22, 2020

In the end, it's safe to say that Remothered Broken Porcelain failed to keep up to expectations set by the first game. Broken Porcelain's story is weird and the shallow gameplay and not so impressive puzzles don't help either. Add tons of bugs and technical issues to everything I just said and you'll realize that it may be the best choice to ignore this game.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Diablo Immortal
Jun 24, 2022

Diablo Immortal seems like a project created with the sole purpose of using the good name of Diablo to rub the players of their money. Definitely one of the worst games ever came out of Blizzard.

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May 10, 2020

Someday You'll Return is neither on par with top quality horror games, nor can compete with other indie titles in the past few years.

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Oct 27, 2022

Gotham Knights fails to meet the expectations set by the Arkham series, and even though there is huge potential and material to work with, the end products is subpar in almost every aspect.

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Dec 8, 2021

This is the President is not entertaining in its nature, at least for the vast majority of gamers, but those few who are really into this types of games might actually enjoy being in the shoes of the most powerful man on earth.

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Nov 7, 2020

Neighbors Back From Hell is all about nostalgia, but other than that doesn't have much to offer. If you played and liked the old games you'll probably have a good time here, but as a new generation gamer it's a hit and miss.

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Jul 14, 2020

The Almost Gone is solid as far as we talk about puzzles and level design, but other elements of the game are not as good. The story, while looks interesting, lacks dept and the visuals are dated especially in close shots. All this make The Almost Gone a mediocre title that fails to impress when you consider all the angels.

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6 / 10 - Beyond Blue
Jun 14, 2020

Beyond Blue offers a unique experience deep down the ocean, and while it feels more like a science project than a video game, it can be still enjoyed by some very specific kind of gamers, or scientists!

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Jul 3, 2023

The latest entry in the Alien series tries a new formula by combining an isometric camera and strategy elements, and even though the gameplay part of the game is entertaining and engaging, the repetitive missions, flat story, and technical issues prevent it from reaching its full potential.

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7 / 10 - The Medium
Sep 19, 2021

The Medium is a game with great potential and bad execution, as its issues and problems such as limited gameplay, easy puzzles and bad camera work eventually overtake its great story telling and engaging atmosphere.

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The first expansion pack for Assassin's Creed Valhalla can cut both ways, as good visuals, great music and deep gameplay on one side and repetitive game design, shallow story and weak character design on the other cancel eachother out.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Anger Foot
Jul 19, 2024

Anger Foot combines fast-paced gameplay, cool visual design, and smart humor and offers an innovative and challenging way to experience its world, proving that even a simple, low-budget indie game can be done correctly.

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Dec 7, 2023

Frontiers of Pandora is yet another classic Ubisoft game; it offers great visuals and tons of content and activities but lacks innovation and variety, making it a mediocre experience that some will love, but some will walk away from after a few hours.

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Siege of Paris is an overally better package compared to Wrath of Druids, but it's not flawless. It's much closer to the original game in terms of structure, and the level design takes the players back to the classic Assassin's Creed games, although the choices the player makes throughout the gameplay seem entirely pointless eventually.

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Oct 4, 2023

Assassin's Creed Mirage takes the series back to where it all began, and while it feels great to take a break from more and more complex RPG gameplay that we've seen in the past few entries, it is not necessarily a step forward for the series as the game becomes too boring too fast. Mirage is still a great action adventure, but maybe a balance between Role Playing gameplay and linear story telling would be what this series need to find its path again.

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8 / 10 - Rollerdrome
Aug 26, 2022

Rollerdrome is a unique experience with beautiful art design and smooth gameplay that somehow manages to combine two very different genres and still entertain.

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8 / 10 - Chivalry 2
Jul 11, 2021

Chivalry II can entertain you for hours, especially if you are a fan of Multiplayer games; but for a continuous success and keeping the game alive, the developers need to deliver constant updates and content.

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Ancient Gods is not necessarily a bad expansion pack, but the original DOOM Eternal was so good and even small changes in the wrong direction can hurt the experience. In Ancient Gods case, the uneven difficulty and confusing story seem to be those wrong changes that topple DOOM Eternal from the top a little bit.

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Jan 12, 2024

While The Last Crown is not without flaws, the final package is entertaining enough to make it worth your time and money. It's highly inspired by ancient Persia and offers deep and engaging gameplay and beautiful art design, proving that the Prince of Persia universe has massive potential and deserves more attention from Ubisoft.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Sifu
Feb 10, 2022

SIFU puts you in the shoes of a martial artist, and I mean it literally, as you will have to have patience and practice a lot to master your skills and time every single one of your moves precisely to be able to beat your enemies. It's not an easy game and probably not too appealing for everybody, but it certainly rewards patience and practice, and once you finally get into its core, you will have a hell of a good time.

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