Jess Dawkins

2 games reviewed
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Fall Guys is an absolute delight. It feels like a natural evolution of the battle royale genre that abandons the expectation of violence and exchanges it for a bright, colourful multiplayer experience that sinks its hooks in and refuses to let go. Fall Guys is an the perfect example of taking a genre that feels like it has been milked to death but turning it on it's head, and giving it a fresh coat of paint. It's an experience that no other game offers, and will keep you playing from the second you pick it up.

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Sep 9, 2020

Battletoads smashed through with it's reboot after 26 years, with engaging visuals, a banging soundtrack, and gameplay that rarely gets stale I found the game a breath of fresh air bringing me back to simpler times where games were the only thing on my mind. It's a epic addition to the franchise, and Dlala doesn't disappoint.

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