Jack Rear

10 games reviewed
72.0 average score
70 median score
50.0% of games recommended
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The long awaited follow-up to the seminal Breath of the Wild is an expected, inventive triumph for Nintendo's famous series

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Nintendo's 20-year-old tactical war simulator is like video-game chess - difficult to learn but satisfying to master

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While grown-up gaming is dominated by dark and brooding fantasies, Kirby makes the case for sweetness and light among families

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Pokémon's first fully open-world title has a lot of ideas but never quite manages to stick the landing with any of them

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The new title on the Nintendo Switch marks the first time Kirby has starred in a 3D game, but does it measure up to his past highs?

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By tearing up the rule book and breaking new ground, Game Freak has created the best Pokémon title in decades

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The new remakes of Pokémon's 2007 classics are faithful to a fault, but left us wondering why the creators have seen fit to remake them

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Apr 28, 2021

New Pokémon Snap allows keen-eyed trainers to snap the famous pocket monsters in their natural habitat

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Feb 25, 2021

The new JRPG hitting Nintendo Switch is stuffed full of the genre's most recognisable tropes, for better or worse

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Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise will definitely work up a serious sweat if you're prepared to really get into it.

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