Daniel Waite

alertcat weasel

231 games reviewed
71.9 average score
70 median score
76.6% of games recommended

Daniel Waite's Reviews

My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for www.bonusstage.co.uk, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email: [email protected]
May 7, 2024

If you love puzzle titles, and you are a fan of retro gaming, then this should be on your radar. It is somewhat basic, and I was disappointed by the missing story. However, the action was challenging and it kept me interested for hours. Accordingly, I enjoyed it and I recommend buying it here! Can you collect every coin and escape? Plan your route, find the magical objects, and unlock that gate.

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7 / 10.0 - The Invincible
May 2, 2024

I desperately wanted to enjoy The Invincible more than I did. Unfortunately, it never grabbed me the way I expected. Yes, it is beautiful, and the audio was fantastic. Furthermore, I adore the protagonist and her plight. However, its gameplay is distinctly mixed and this was unfortunate. Yet, despite my disappointment, it is unique and unusual, and I recommend giving it a chance by buying it here! Can you piece together the mystery? Explore your surroundings, solve the puzzles, and discover a strange alien world.

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7 / 10.0 - Loretta
May 1, 2024

I’m not always a fan of dark and depressing media. The world is hard enough without relaxing to more of the same. Yet, Loretta tells an interesting and captivating story. Furthermore, I loved the sinister choices and the excellent story. Alongside this, it has a cruel and grim aesthetic that is fantastic to look at. Consequently, I love this and I recommend buying it here! Would you kill another human to reclaim your life? Make your choices, live with the consequences, and escape your bland existence.

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Apr 24, 2024

Though Amnesia: The Bunker isn’t as far-fetched as its predecessor, it is still wonderfully absurd. Additionally, the core mechanics are petrifying, and you’ll be fearful of the dark once you’ve completed your playthrough. Disappointingly, though, it is far too short as you don’t get much change out of 7 hours of horror fun. Yet, despite this shortcoming, I recommend buying it here! Can you keep the lights on and escape your destiny? Find the fuel, solve the puzzles, and avoid The Stalker.

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9 / 10.0 - Phantom Fury
Apr 22, 2024

I love it when a developer gets things right. Yes, there are minor issues with Phantom Fury, but it is mostly a raving success. I adored the visuals and the incredible audio. What’s more, the range of enemies and the challenging gameplay will keep you on your toes. However, a few bugs were annoying, and I’m hoping that these problems are ironed out. Despite this small indiscretion, this title is great, and I recommend buying it here! Can you save humanity? Grab some weapons, master your bionic arm, and make every goon pay.

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Apr 21, 2024

This is one tough cookie to crack. Yet, it is this challenging nature that makes it so rewarding. Additionally, the varied gameplay and drip-fed mechanics keep you on your toes. Undoubtedly, this is a better experience with a friend, but I also enjoyed it solo. Consequently, this is a wonderful title and I recommend buying it here! Running a factory is never easy. As such, plan ahead, grab a friend and get to work.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Trinity Fusion
Apr 18, 2024

Standing out from your peers is not easy. Yet, Trinity Fusion smashes its opponents and wins the race. This indie title plays with much-loved mechanics and makes them its own. Moreover, the action is a fantastic blend of difficulty and reward. As such, I love it and I recommend buying it here! Becoming a hero is never easy. Stay alive, tackle every foe, and destroy the multiverse.

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7 / 10.0 - Life of Delta
Apr 17, 2024

Though this isn’t perfect, I enjoyed my time with it. The puzzles and mini-games are interesting, and the characters are colourful. Moreover, the dialogue is interesting and amusing and the setting is fascinating. However, its janky mechanics and lack of tutorial were disappointing. Yet, despite these shortcomings, I love it and recommend buying it here! Will you become a hero? Solve some puzzles, assist some robots, and save your friend.

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8 / 10.0 - Outer Terror
Apr 13, 2024

If the developers could tweak the balancing issues, then Outer Terror would be a challenger to Vampire Survivors. However, it doesn’t quite compare and this may disappoint. Yet, if you want a simplified and fun nod to 80s/90s horror, then this is the game for you. I love the aesthetics and the wonderful learning curve. Accordingly, I recommend buying it here! Can you complete each chapter? Choose a hero, explore each vast land, and kill every boss you face.

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8 / 10.0 - Let's Sing 2024
Apr 12, 2024

This won’t be for everyone. Yet, if you love singing, and you want a break from shooting virtual people or kicking a pixelated football, then this will be right up your street. As such, it was great fun and I recommend buying it here! Do you wish to become a global superstar? Grab your mic or phone, select your song, and top every leaderboard.

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8 / 10.0 - Dragon's Dogma 2
Apr 11, 2024

Though hardcore RPG lovers may not be so impressed, I enjoyed the fun and unusual elements of this title. Furthermore, the world is massive, the quests are interesting, and the vocation mechanic was an excellent choice. Accordingly, I love this and I recommend buying it here! Can you fulfil your potential? Grab your pawn, explore the world, and get your revenge.

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8 / 10.0 - Highwater
Apr 9, 2024

Mechanically, Highwater doesn’t break the mould. However, the story and the setting are phenomenal. The parodies of our potential future lives are apparent, and the cruel social model is disappointingly accurate. As such, much of the plot will resonate. For these reasons, I recommend buying it here! Can you undo the unjust social divide? Explore the world, help those in need, and make your future better.

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9 / 10.0 - Torn Away
Apr 7, 2024

Like every great war film and game, Torn Away will stick in your mind. Every moment was practically perfect, even if it was tough to swallow. The cruel gameplay is beautifully written. Moreover, the characters are interesting, and the environments are breathtaking. Consequently, this is a spectacular indie game and I recommend buying it here! Can you make it home? Complete the puzzles, avoid detection, and encounter some horrific sights.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Flooded
Apr 6, 2024

I fear that many gamers will overlook Flooded. Its basic presentation and weird ideas will put many players off. Yet, if you give this a chance, you will enjoy an addictive and strategic simulation game. On top of this, the gentle learning curve and procedurally generated nature of the gameplay ensures that no attempt is ever the same. Subsequently, I love it and I recommend that you buy it here! Can you survive the never-ending tidal waters? Gather your resources, build to your heart’s content, and hope that luck is on your side.

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I love a safe and fun child-friendly title. PJ Masks Power Heroes: Mighty Alliance ticks all of these boxes with its colourful graphics and cheesy dialogue. Additionally, the plot is zany and OTT, and the characters will make you smile. Accordingly, this is perfect for your kids and I recommend buying it here! Can you pick up the pieces after the big accident? Explore each stage, find every collectable, and save the day.

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7 / 10.0 - Die After Sunset
Mar 28, 2024

This genre has grown on me. Consequently, I enjoy the tough approach and the guaranteed sense of failure. Yet, Die After Sunset is particularly maddening. Therefore, you will have to be extremely patient and reserved if you wish to succeed. Even though it almost broke me, I like it and recommend buying it here! Can you save mankind? Pick a hero, upgrade your stats, and kick those aliens back into space.

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5 / 10.0 - PopSlinger
Mar 26, 2024

There are plenty of great ideas to get your teeth into. However, the execution of each element leaves you wanting. Sadly, it is far too difficult and the learning curve and scoring system will infuriate you. Consequently, unless you love to be pushed to your limit, I suggest giving this a miss. More information can be found here if you wish. Can you step up and become a hero? Grab your gun, combine the colours, and save the world.

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8 / 10.0 - ABRISS
Mar 23, 2024

Though I was never entirely comfortable with the concept, I liked ABRISS-Build to Destroy. I had great fun creating monstrous towers and weird destructive equipment. Moreover, the drip-fed elements and the drive towards experimentation kept me coming back for more. Accordingly, I liked it and I recommend buying it here! Destruction is the dish of the day. Therefore, you must pick your ingredients, create something special, and watch the rubble build around you.

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7 / 10.0 - qomp2
Mar 22, 2024

If you enjoy being tested without a complex storyline, then Qomp2 could be for you. The basic puzzles and layers of difficulty keep you coming back for more. Additionally, the boss levels add some unique elements to prevent things from becoming stale. As such, I enjoyed it and I recommend buying it here! Can you leave the paddles behind? Break free, avoid obstacles, and complete every level.

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7 / 10.0 - Quadroids
Mar 21, 2024

No matter what way you look at it, QUADROIDS is a tough game. However, it is this testing nature that creates a rewarding experience. Though this will kick your ass repeatedly, you will return for more. As such, it is a tough but fair game, and I recommend buying it here! Can you complete every level? Grab a friend, keep your cool, and tackle every puzzle.

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