Daniel Kozlowski

7 games reviewed
77.1 average score
83 median score
57.1% of games recommended
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All in all Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment definitely could've used more polish. If you can look past its flaws though, there is a reasonably addictive RPG here with a fun combat system and entertaining relationship structure.

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84 / 100 - Terraria
Nov 28, 2014

It offers a huge amount of bosses, items, and collectables, and couch co-op to boot. If you like Minecraft or anything of the sort, Terraria is definitely a game worth a look or two.

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Nov 5, 2014

Destroying thousands of enemies has never looked so good, nor as it ever been so addictive. Samurai Warriors 4 boasts countless improvements in its gameplay mechanics, and as such fans of the series shouldn't think twice about buying it.

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Oct 6, 2014

If you're a fan of tower defense games . . . Defense Grid 2 takes everything you've grown to love about these games, and elevates it to the next level.

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70 / 100 - Contagion
Apr 25, 2014

Though zombie related entertainment appears to be finally coming down in its popularity, it’s still always fun to line up some head shots in just about any zombie themed video game. Contagion presents a tense survival based horror game, and if you can see past its rough exterior and occasionally shoddy technical performance, there is some fun to be had here. Rounding up some buddies to play the game as a team is highly recommended, as that is how the game is intended to be played. At $20, Contagion is worth any survival lover’s time and money.

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Apr 1, 2014

The game has escaped being a dismal grind, and is instead a series of outstanding adventures, one after the other with no end in sight. Blizzard has reclaimed the dungeon crawling throne in my books.

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60 / 100 - 1954: Alcatraz
Mar 11, 2014

All in all, 1954: Alcatraz left much to be desired. The puzzles, story and characters all were much stronger in concept than in execution. The blueprints are here, but some polish would have taken this game so much further.

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