Donghun Lee

43 games reviewed
75.3 average score
80 median score
41.9% of games recommended
77 / 100 - Days Gone
Apr 27, 2019

The gameplay elements somehow feels repetitive but the visuals and story keeps the player intact until the end. One biggest flaw is the unstable frame drops and minor glitches that happen along the progression which we hope that it’s something that can be fixed with an optimization patch in the near future. If Sony had put in thought and ambition for this game to be their one of the important promotion titles, they should have considered these technicalities before releasing to the public. The gamers who play these so called ‘major promotion title games’ should have a better experience than the gamers who play these games at a much later date with patches and bug fixes since the original release.

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Apr 24, 2019

Other than the limits of remastering the visuals of the old classic, there were no disappointments in the gameplay elements at all. With the added convenience on top of the above standard user interface, the gameplay session was much smoother than expected. Unlike the original, the new functionality allows players to pre-set their Gambits as well as forming new License Boards any time you want. Biggest improvement of course is the quick transition between loading times. All in all it’s a positive update well fit for the current generation of consoles.

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Apr 11, 2019

Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster is still a competitive title among similar genres. One of the rare games that had voice dubs for almost every dialog in the game. Newly arranged soundtrack is also candy to the ears. The remastered visuals mainly considered for the PS4 is also well presented on the Nintendo Switch, perhaps even slightly better. The main story plot blended with the timeless cinematic is well proven to be one of the highest quality games even to this day in age.

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