Daniel D

3 games reviewed
89.0 average score
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8.6 / 10.0 - The Thaumaturge
Mar 4, 2024

An excellent RPG that offers a strong narrative, true player choice, and a fresh setting and magic system. The combat can be a bit repetitive, but its interesting systems mitigate that somewhat, and the real draw here is the role playing anyway.

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9.3 / 10.0 - Indika
May 1, 2024

Short and sweet, INDIKA uses the third-person adventure game medium to tell a compelling story of a young nun struggling with life, good and evil, and the voice of the devil in her head. The influence of both serious cinema and Russian philosophical novels come together to form the most compelling game I've played so far this year. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel weird, and you'll wonder what the word "evil" really means anyway.

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8.8 / 10.0 - Anger Foot
Jul 11, 2024

With a unique gimmick and plenty of action, Anger Foot is everything a tongue-in-cheek FPS should be: short, sweet, and to the door-kicking point.

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