Daniel Wenerowicz
Despite missing the mark in other modes, MW3 brings Multiplayer one step closer to its former glory.
Spider-Man 2 manages to one up the first game in every way while retaining an exciting Spider-Man story.
Dogtown completes the full Cyberware package that Cyberpunk fans have been waiting for.
Lore and creative retelling were the best parts of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, and even that was spoiled to a degree. Hopefully, further updates can save the technical aspect of the game in the future, but not even Mount Doom can reforge the base game formula.
Star Wars fan or not, Jedi Survivor is setting up the franchise for another era change that follows the lore of the High Republic as well as the Old Republic. It’s the perfect time for new fans, Star Wars nerds, or action game fanatics to jump in and follow one of the best Jedi protagonists we’ve ever seen as he matures along with the franchise.
Monsters based on western myth, tons of new Silkbind Attacks that shake up the combat, and some of the best Fashion Hunter options I've ever seen. Sunbreak is an expansion that managed to add new content to keep fans interested while maintaining all of the DNA from the rest of the series and Rise. This expansion is by no means groundbreaking. If you aren't a Monster Hunter fan and don't like grinding long hunts for parts, this still isn't the game for you. But if you enjoyed Rise, you have no reason to wait another minute. Take down some vampire dragons and set your pets up with the best-looking armor in Elgado.