The Bluecoats: North vs South Reviews

The Bluecoats: North vs South is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
60 / 100
Nov 17, 2020

Bluecoats: North & South, proposes a curious mix between Risk, an RTS and an FPS, but staying very on the surface of each of them, and leaving the result with the feeling of being very little polished. It's entertaining, just like the original was, but it ends up being a bit of a no-man's-land. It depends a lot on what mentality you face it with, you can enjoy it a lot if it is looking for the flavor of the original, or not if you do it from the search for an update to these days.

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4 / 10
Nov 10, 2020

Bluecoats : North & South tries really hard to resurrect one of the best games of the 80s'. But poor execution and failed attempts to make it modern cut it from nostalgic players, and those who might be looking for a fun mix of strategy and action in the Bluecoats universe.

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