Truck Driver

Truck Driver Trailers
Critic Reviews for Truck Driver
Truck Driver isn't some revolutionary new title in the truck sim genre, and I don't think it's trying to be one. For a console sim, it looks good, runs well, and has a lot of hours' worth of content. While it's not as fleshed out as SCS Software's more seasoned offerings on PC, this has still proven to be a decent experience. And there's virtually nothing else like it on Switch so far, so it has the room all to itself for the time being. If you've played truck sims in the past or want to get your feet wet, Truck Driver on Nintendo Switch is a good first step. And as for Soedesco, I hope to see the team build upon this concept with an even more ambitious project in the future.
With Truck Driver, Soedesco is trying to break into an already spoken-for market with an offering that comes off feeling like a cheap imitation. While it spares itself the humiliation of being considered shovelware, it also lacks the heart needed to call it an actual truck simulator. Perhaps a second, stronger entry can prove the new IP's worth, but this is a pretty weak first impression.