Glyph Reviews
I alluded to Glyph potentially being a hidden gem at the very start of this review, and I continue to stand by that statement. Yes, the game does have some small issues, namely with its controls, but looking beyond this, Bolverk Games has developed a rich, beautiful and compelling game. It is a game for 100%-ers, speed-runners, or even casual gamers who just want to pick up their Switch and play a level or two. I find myself falling into the former category, and know for certain that I have many more hours left to play of a game that has found itself near the top in my list of favourite games. Glyph is a game that I would implore all of you to try, even if this is isn’t your usual type of game. I’ve refrained from giving it a 10/10 due to the issues mentioned above, but in all honesty, there is very little I can say Bolverk Games got wrong in designing such a charming and wonderful game.