Saints Row Player Reviews
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A little bit short , but still it deserves 4,5 stars. Soundtrack is good , game is not as glitched as it was , but still driving physics are pretty bad. Unfortunately its not as good as older versions were , but I still recommend it.
id give it 5 but im being realistic. the only issue i had with this game was the minor bugs with loading into a mission or at the end of a mission it freezing. only but a few times. otherwise the games plot, story line characters, etc. are all as
Good story but too many bugs and end in some case even important with a coop made in half so that it save the main story only to the main player.
The story is very mediocre, it is not clear what we are doing and why. The gameplay is colorful like other games in the series.
The game that destroyed the series. So many places to start but lets start with the technical aspect, the game is poorly made and broken at best, you will be met with constant crashes and bugs. Moving onto to the obnoxious art style that the game has come to with
This game is the worst pile of trash ever made by man or beast
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