The Last Stand: Aftermath Player Reviews
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This game is a joke in terms of balance. The RNG is completely broken, making some runs outright impossible to win. Not "hard," just doomed from the start. A massive waste of time.
I finished it without cheats (out of sheer stubbornness), but for tiers 1-5, I tested it with unlimited
how can you carry alot of gun but cannot carry more that 1 needle, when you in the end game you will see that the enemy is just trap not zombies, zombies are friends
When I load into the game I get a black screen and I can't do anything
Игра хорошая, вобщем. Но в ней, к сожалению, присутствуют серьезные недоработки. Самая большая - это сложность стрельбы при перепаде высоты. Если враг выше вас, или ниже, то вы в него попадать не будете никогда. И еще несколько бесполезных предметов, типа светошумовых гранат, которые выпадают постоянно. Пользоваться ими, кстати, неудобно тоже.
It has a good premise, but the gameplay is a copy paste of "Curse of the dead Gods", but with zombies.
The scenarios are repetitive, however it fulfills the objective of being entertaining enough
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