Good sides:
Good graphics overall (with soapy textures sometimes and ghosting because of DLSS of course). QTE fights are good. Fantasy world
Now for the negative sides:
Long warm-up. Bad music in fights. There's absolutely unnecessary gay scene with Dion Lesage and Terence. Side quests are awful and boring. The story is padded
Great plot, amazing art and graphics.
Bland combat though, almost zero impact on enemies, no RPG features
The combat, story, and spectacle of Final Fantasy XVI lives up to the Final Fantasy series and the bar that was set by the previous entries. Really looking forward towards the next FF!
Amazing! This game doesn't get enough love -- my favorite FF experience after 7 (and remake and rebirth). The action-RPG gameplay is fabulous and I hope they continue utilizing it for future entries.
Well, here we are again. Nearly 40 years later, we are, surprisingly, only at number sixteen. Of course, there have been spin-offs, remakes, and remasters all strewn throughout the timeline. The games have gotten bigger, more epic, and more cinematic, and they have started to abandon the traditional JRPG formula
I loved playing this game. Compared to other FF games, game mechanics are significantly different, even to its predecesor, FF XV. The Eikon system in FF XVI gives you so much variety to create your own combos and fight styles, which you can almost change on the fly, that combat
Still has that FF jank that stopped me to play it. Every 15 seconds your game will be interrupted by a fade to black, fade back, then your character opens a door, then fade to black, then fade back to game but you need to wait 5 more seconds before
Gameplay: GREAT.
Graphic: AWESOME.
Story: GOOD.
Music/Sound: GOOD (Sound Effect was GREAT).
Dialogue/Voice Acting: GREAT.
Fun gameplay, flashy combats and awesome graphic.
The Bad: Characters' expression was quite weird or kinda emotionless. Too many unnecessary pauses in cut-scenes or conversations. A bit buggy, but not serious.
Wow this game does not feel like Final Fantasy at all. It was huge disappointment and lacks so many things that a typical RPG game would have. The story is pretty good but Jill and Clive are very forgettable.
Not a bad game by any means but a huge step down in terms of Final Fantasy and hopefully they move away from this direction because I like RPGs and this is not one of those
I am ~15 hours into an amazing story and it keeps getting better.
It might be controversial for being not being turn-based like previous FF, but it's still a really really good game. I got so emotionally attached to the characters and story that when I finished it, I cried.
No es rpg y los mapas son malso, y el enemigo final es muy aburrido
There is a pretty good 15 hour game in here somewhere, with some of the most staggering and jaw dropping real time graphics and set pieces ever crafted. Unfortunately this good 15 hour game is padded out to 40 hours with some of the worst quest design, character writing and
Great narrative, terrific characters, impactful themes and emotionally hard-hitting story beats. For me the action focused mode offered enough challenge to keep the gameplay fun and engaging throughout, though I can understand how character action veterans might feel it's too easy. The boss fights are the best spectacles I've ever
Amazing game . Sub par side quest . Amazing voice acting . Out of this world boss fights . Nothing at all compares to the boss fights .
The Good :
- Boss fights (the real ones, not the semi boss) are generally grandiose, have a lot of interesting phases, attacks, visual spectacle and some difficulty. They nailed that part.
- Worldbuilding and Story, they did a great job building a world that is believable, and offer plenty of ways